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Multi Titanium Base

Material: TITANIUM ALLOY Ti6Al4V ELI (grade 23)

Implantoprosthetic component enabling cases on a multi-unit abutment. It can be used in a full digital protocol using dedicated libraries and in a laboratory protocol based on scanning Multi Titanium Base and performing case on the basis of a scan. It is possible to modify the height of Multi Titanium Base, in three different variants:

LONG, MEDIUM, SHORT using the appropriate library adapted to the selected height.

Digital usage protocol:

  • Cuff height: 0.5 mm
  • Retention height: LONG 10.5 mm / MEDIUM 7.7 mm / SHORT 4.9 mm for individual cut

Analog usage protocol:

  • height: 0.5mm
  • Retention heigh: for individual cut

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